Garden Minute
Feb. 23, 2016
This is Jason Lamb with your Gardening Minute.
Lately, I have been getting several questions on controlling puncture
vine, as so known as goat heads. “Goat heads” are a summer Annual broadleaf plant
that puncture just about everything. They have five main spike or burrs that penetrate
tires, passing livestock, shoes and seem difficult to get rid of.
Goat heads are a low growing plant that reproduces from seed
with a deep main tap root and can with stand very dry, hot summer conditions.
So what is a home owner to do about goat heads.
Persistence is the key, most goat heads can be controlled by using
a flat nose shovel, scooping under the plant, cutting the tap root at the base
and discarding the plant. This must be done in early spring before the flowers
develop into goat heads.
Chemicals such as 2,4 D or glyphosate are very effective but must also be used prior to
the plant flowering. You may need to spray more than once to get successful
control and year after year because seed can remain viable for up to
five years in the soil. These chemical can harm other plants and
should be spot sprayed. Pre-emergent herbicides have marginally effect on
puncture vine. Make sure to read and follow the label be using.
For more information about
controlling goat heads please contact us at the Cooperative Extension Office at
461-0562. We will be hosting a Resilience in Agricultural meeting on March 9th
at the Tucumcari Convention Center to discuss State Agricultural priorities.
Contact our office if you would like to attend. This has been your Gardening
Minute with Jason Lamb your Quay County Ag. Extension Agent. Where are programs
are open to everyone.