is Jason Lamb with your Gardening Minute.
injury is a common problem here in New Mexico that most often effects pine trees.
During the first week of January we had relatively high temperatures during the
day at about 60 degree and then received below zero temperatures at night. This
large temperature swing has affected our pine trees in here in Quay County.
Injury is cause by the weather. Warm days followed by extremely cold nights freeze
deep into the ground locking up available nutrients and moisture. Most trees
will recover but not until spring.
that show signs of winter injury have pliable branches on the new growth and the
needles are brown and dying but the base of the needles are still green in
is not much that home owners can do about Winter Injury. Water the tree around
the dripline of the tree during these winter months about once a week. Don’t fertilize
as it will do more damage to the tree at this time. Don’t prune off dead branches yet or cut down
the tree because some of the trees will make it to the spring.
From more information about Winter Injury please contact us at the Cooperative Extension Office at 461-0562. This has been your Gardening Minute with
Jason Lamb your Quay County Ag. Extension Agent. Where are programs are open to