The Newsletter
From the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension
August 22, 2016
In this Issue:
Fall feeder cattle market prospects
Derrell S. Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension
Livestock Marketing Specialist
Helping fall-calving cows and heifers
during the calving process
Dr. Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University
Fall feeder cattle market prospects
Derrell S. Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension
Livestock Marketing Specialist
in feeder cattle prices recently have potential impacts for cow-calf and
stocker producers this fall. Through July and August, prices for heavy
feeder cattle have increased relative to lighter weight feeder cattle.
Several factors appear to be impacting feeder cattle price relationships.
August USDA Cattle on Feed report shows an August 1 on-feed inventory of 10.165
million head, 101.6 percent of last year. July marketings were 99.3
percent of one year ago while placements were 101.6 percent of last year.
With two less business days this year compared to 2015, these numbers suggest a
continued brisk pace of both placements and marketings. The desire to
increase feedlot turnover means that feedlots continue to demonstrate a
preference for heavy feeder cattle. Since placements began increasing in
February, placements of feeders over 700 pounds have increased over 11 percent
year over year while placements of cattle under 600 pounds are down nearly 6
percent compared to the same six months last year.
else being equal, feedlots would generally rather feed bigger, older feeder
cattle. Especially with continued heavy discounts on deferred live cattle
futures, feedlots are less interested in buying lighter weight feeders and take
the risk of owning them for a longer period of time. This is true despite
the fact that feedlot cost of gain is decreasing with abundant grain supplies
and the prospects for record grain crops for the coming year. Wheat
prices and large supplies of relatively poor quality old crop wheat make wheat
a ration alternative and the only reason it is not being used more is that corn
is cheap and getting cheaper.
are constantly deciding whether to buy pounds by buying heavy feeder cattle or
buying lighter weight feeders and putting the pounds on in the feedlot. Lower
feedlot cost of gain means that feedlots can afford to pay more for lighter
weight feeders. However, a growing supply of feeder cattle means that
feedlots don’t have to buy light weight placements as long as an ample supply
of heavy feeder is available to meet their preferences. This is a big
part of the observed increase in heavy feeder cattle price relative to
lightweight feeder cattle prices this summer. For steers, this is
revealed as smaller rollback in prices across weights ranging from about 500 to
750 pounds. The smaller rollback results in an increase in the value of gain
for those middle weight ranges of feeder cattle. In other words, the
relatively smaller feedlot demand for lighter weight feeder cattle translates
into a stocker/backgrounding signal to put that weight on in the country.
Generally good forage conditions means that, despite falling grain prices, it
is more efficient to put extra weight on cattle in the country, especially in
the face of growing cattle supplies.
feeder cattle prices suggest a strong stocker signal and also a potential
retained ownership signal for cow-calf producers…at least through the stocker
phase. Retained ownership of stockers or retained calves into the feedlot
may also have potential but is another matter and should be evaluated
separately. Of course, producers must constantly monitor feeder cattle markets,
not only price levels but price relationships by weight. The current
market indications can and will change at some point but there is little reason
to expect significant change in current market signals for the foreseeable
Helping fall-calving cows and heifers
during the calving process
Dr. Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University Professor-Emeritus
calving season is (or soon will be) upon the Oklahoma ranches that have fall
and winter calving. An issue facing the rancher at calving-time, is the amount
of time heifers or cows are allowed to be in labor before assistance is given.
Traditional text books, fact sheets and magazine articles stated that “Stage
II” of labor lasted from 2 to 4 hours. “Stage II” is defined as that portion of
the birthing process from the first appearance of the water bag until the baby
calf is delivered. Research data from Oklahoma State University and the USDA
experiment station at Miles City, Montana clearly show that Stage II is much
shorter, lasting approximately an hour in first calf heifers, and a half hour
in mature cows.
1. Research Results of Length of Stage II of Parturition
Location of Study
No. of Animals
Length of Stage II
USDA (Montana) *
24 mature cows
22.5 min.
USDA (Montana) *
32 first calf heifers
54.1 min
Oklahoma State Univ. **
32 first calf heifers
55.0 min
et al. 1984. Journ. of Anim. Science: 59:1
et al. 1985. Therio: 24:385
these studies, heifers that were in stage II of labor much more than one hour
or cows that were in stage II much more than 30 minutes definitely needed
assistance. Research information also shows that calves from prolonged
deliveries are weaker and more disease prone, even if born alive. In addition,
cows or heifers with prolonged deliveries return to heat later and are less
likely to be bred for the next calf crop. Consequently a good rule of thumb: If
the heifer is NOT making significant progress 1 hour after the water bag or
feet appear, examine the heifer to see if you can provide assistance. Mature
cows should be watched for only 30 minutes. IF she is NOT making progress
with each strain, then a rectal examine is conducted. If you cannot safely deliver
the calf yourself at this time, call your local veterinarian immediately.
Before applying chains and beginning to pull, make CERTAIN that the cervix is
fully dilated.
ranches develop heifers fully, and use calving ease bulls to prevent calving difficulties.
However, a few difficult births are going to occur each calving season. Using
the concept of evening feeding to get more heifers calving in daylight, and
giving assistance early will save a few more calves, and result in healthier
more productive two-year-old cows to rebreed for next year. For more
information on topics concerning assisting cows and heifers at calving time,
download and read an Oklahoma State University circular E-1006 "Calving
Time Management For Beef Cows and Heifers". This free publication can be
downloaded from this website:
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