Wednesday, December 30, 2015

CATTLE OUTLOOK – Ron Plain and Scott Brown Ag Economics, MU December 24, 2015

CATTLE OUTLOOK – Ron Plain and Scott Brown
Ag Economics, MU   December 24, 2015

Because Christmas fell on Friday this year, this weekly report only
covers market activity through Thursday.

Cattle prices rebounded this week after a long slide downward.
Through Wednesday, the 5-area average price for slaughter steers sold
on a live weight basis was $123.43/cwt, up $6.50 from last week’s
average, but down $38.51 from a year ago. The 5 area average dressed
price this week for steers was $199.58/cwt, up $16.20 for the week,
but down $57.38 compared to the same week last year.

The December Cattle on Feed report said that November placements were
down 10.8% to the lowest level for the month since USDA began the
current data series in 1996.  There are two prime causes for the low
placements.  Cattle feeding losses have been huge this year making
feedlots reluctant to buy cattle, and feeder cattle prices have
plummeted in recent weeks making backgrounders reluctant to sell on a
down market.

November marketings were up 3.9% thanks to one extra slaughter day.
The number of steers and heifers on feed at the start of December was
down 0.2% compared to a year earlier.

Placements into feedlots continue to include a lot of big cattle.
Placement of cattle on feed weighing less than 800 pounds during
November was down 13.8% while placement of cattle weighing 800 pounds
or more was down 1.1%.             

This morning the choice boxed beef cutout value was $197.63/cwt, up
$3.00 from the previous Friday.  The select carcass cutout was
$189.47/cwt, up $2.78 from last week.

The average steer dressed weight for the week ending on December 12
was 909 pounds, down 4 pounds from the week before, but up 10 pounds
from a year ago.  This was the 78th consecutive week with weights
above the year-ago level.

There was no feeder cattle auction at Oklahoma City this week, nor
will there be one next week, because of the holidays.

Feeder cattle prices at the Joplin Stockyards were $5 to $15 higher
this week.  Prices for medium and large frame #1 steers by weight
group were: 400-450# $197.50-$215, 450-500# $195-$200, 500-550#
$181-$196, 550-600# $161-$180, 600-700# $159-$168, 700-800# $147-$153,
800-900# $145-$147 and 900-1000# $137/cwt.

After several weeks of decline, cattle futures were sharply higher
this week.  The December live cattle futures contract settled at
$131.10/cwt today, up $10.95 for the week.  February fed cattle
settled at $137.025/cwt, up $11.50 from the previous week.  The April
contract ended the week at $138.025/cwt.

January feeder cattle ended the week at $163.475/cwt, up $14.725 from
a week earlier.  March futures gained $12.175 this week to close at



The December 26-27, 2015 winter storm dramatically affected livestock in the southeastern portion of the state resulting in injury and death to a substantial number of animals.  The full effects of the storm are not yet known and response and recovery efforts are underway.  The impact on producers, who experienced the loss of valuable livestock, is compounded by the urgent need to dispose of sick, injured and dead animals.  Options for movement of live cull animals and disposal of carcasses of animals that were lost are limited.  Disposition of live animals and mass disposal of carcasses requires planning and coordination.  The following  compilation is a quick reference of potential options.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Cattle Outlook

CATTLE OUTLOOK – Ron Plain and Scott Brown
Ag Economics, MU   December 18, 2015

The average price of choice beef at retail during November was $6.213
per pound.  This was down 1.8 cents from the month before and down 9.0
cents from a year ago. The average grocery store price for all fresh
beef was $6.003/pound, down 3.3 cents from the month before, but up
9.2 cents from a year ago.

The 5 area average price for slaughter steers in November was
$128.30/cwt, down $5.10 from the month before and down a huge $42.70
from a year ago.

Because slaughter prices are dropping faster than retail beef prices,
the marketing spread has become record large.  The farm to retail
price spread was a record $3.396 per pound at retail during November.
This was up 8.7 cents from the month before and up 76.3 cents from a
year ago.

The wholesale-retail price spread was a record $2.973 per pound in
November, up 0.1 cent from October and up 53.4 cents from a year ago.

The farm-wholesale price spread was 42.3 per retail pound in November,
up 8.6 cents from October and up 22.9 cents from a year ago.

Through Thursday, the 5-area average price for slaughter steers sold
on a live weight basis was $116.66/cwt, down $1.75 from last week’s
average and down $40.85 from a year ago.  The 5 area average dressed
price this week for steers was $183.36/cwt, down $3.92 for the week
and down $66.56 compared to the same week last year.

This morning the choice boxed beef cutout value was $194.63/cwt, down
$8.42 from the previous Friday.  The select carcass cutout was
$186.69/cwt, down $1.76 from last week.

Cattle slaughter this week totaled 590,000 head, up 1.5% from the week
before and up 6.7% from the same week last year.  Slaughter will be
very light next week because of the Christmas holiday.

The average steer dressed weight for the week ending on December 5 was
913 pounds, down 10 pounds from the week before, but up 12 pounds from
a year ago.  This was the 77th consecutive week with weights above the
year-ago level.

Feeder cattle prices at Oklahoma City were $8 to $15 lower this week.
Prices for medium and large frame #1 steers by weight group were:
400-450# $199-$215, 450-500# $180-$207, 500-550# $184-$201, 550-600#
$160.50-$185, 600-650# $148.50-$169, 650-700# $137.50-$158.50,
700-750# $141.50-$152.50, 750-800# $133.50-$149.75, 800-900#
$133.50-$151.50 and 900-1000#, $132-$141/cwt.

Cattle futures were up the limit on Friday, but were still lower for
the week.  The December live cattle futures contract settled at
$120.15/cwt today, down $1.30 for the week.  February fed cattle
settled at $125.52/cwt, down 73 cents from the previous week. January
feeder cattle ended the week at $148.75/cwt, down $3.37 from a week
earlier.  March lost $2.175 this week and closed at $147.95/cwt.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Garden Minute - House Plants

Garden Minute - House Plants
Dec. 1, 2015

This is Jason Lamb with your Gardening Minute.

Houseplants are simply plants that will grow in conditions inside homes. Where the temperature is normally around 70 degrees or lower during the winter. 

Select your house plants on the conditions that you have in your home. Sunlight varies for each individual plant. Some plants require five hours or more of direct sunlight, like jasmine, miniature rose, and asparagus fern.  Other plants like prayer plant and Swedish ivy require no direct sunlight. Plants should be kept at least 12 inch from the window to prevent leaf burn. 

Temperatures for tropical plants should be around 65 to 70 degrees and suffer when temperatures fall below 60 degrees. Humidity should be 50 percent or more. Double potting can help with humidity.  

Rapidly growing, large-leafed plants need large amounts of water. Slow-growing, flowering plants and most foliage plants need less water and are easily dam­aged by too much water. Sensitive plants, such as azaleas, camellias, and gar­denias, should be watered only with distilled water. 

For more information about House plants please contact us at the Cooperative Extension Office at 461-0562. We will be hosting a Private Applicators Workshop on Dec. 9th at the Tucumcari Convention Center beginning at 9am worth 3 CEU’s. This has been your Gardening Minute with Jason Lamb your Quay County Ag. Extension Agent. Where are programs are open to everyone.